Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Google AdSense joins Twitter

If you haven’t noticed on the Google AdSense blog, AdSense now has their own Twitter account where they will be tweeting on all things AdSense. So far they have highlighted some things previously featured on the blog, but also have highlighted a forum thread where publishers share some of their AdSense tips.

They only have 6 tweets so far, but hopefully they will become more active. I think the most valuable thing the AdSense twitter account could do is alert publishers when there are any issues - whether it is when stats are delayed or when access into the control panel is suffering from an unscheduled downtime. Right now, I am doing that for the many publishers who follow me  

They only have 105 followers so far, so if you are on Twitter, go and follow @adsense… and follow me @jenstar too :) @adsense only follows a couple of the official Google Twitter accounts though, so don’t be surprised if they aren’t following you back. They do request @replies though, but I wonder how long it will be before their @replies are saturated with “I got my account suspended and I didn’t do anything wrong!” type of tweets!

Don’t really know what Twitter is or how to use it? I have some Twitter related blog posts over on JenniferSlegg.com:

1 comment:

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